An art-based healing program dedicated to sparking and sustaining the well-being and activism of women

Explore, challenge, ease and release family ancestral patterns of trauma

Who We Are

A PLACE OF HER OWN™ (PLACE) is an art-based healing organization dedicated to transforming chronic heartache to resilience. We provide creative experiences, artistic tools and nurturing community to explore and address the effects of colonization and patriarchy on generational family patterns. 

We offer platforms to access intuition, practice self-agency, leadership and advocacy while releasing judgment, guilt, and shame.

Awareness is Curative.

Our community partnership with Cantadora Wine is a true win! 10% of sales goes to PLACE

Recent Events

  • The PLACE Residency Artists’ TALK

    In collabortion with 7GEN in the Central Valley

  • Intuit Card Workshop

    In collaboration with Where Art Lives for the Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco

  • Korean Community Center East Bay

    Therapist Intern Program. Presentation about PLACE and INTUIT Card™ workshop


  • To me, PLACE is a women of color leadership program that happens to utilize creativity, somatic awareness building, and community organizing. The seeds were planted by us all.

    Ahran Lee

  • I had a breakthrough where it became clear to me what the relationship among my 3 boxes/sections is. My "place" is where I always trust myself 100% (intuition) that I know how to take care of myself (self-love, self-care), so I can create freely (creativity, manifestation) without fear of overwhelm or strain from attracting energy to me.

    Emily Yamauchi

  • These women are indeed pattern shifters ... and because they represent diverse cultures, we have an illumination of the collective suffering and courage and impact of colonialism and patriarchy upon the entirely of humanity as witnessed by women.

    Krystal Rose

  • The tools I learned from PLACE workshops have continued to inspire my healing and transformative process.

    Reiko Fujii